Why is it important to understand Cap Rates in Commercial Real Estate?
Why is it important to understand Cap Rates in Commercial Real Estate?

Capitalization rate is a metric used in the valuation of a real estate investment. It is calculated by dividing Net Operating Income by the Current market value (sales price) of the asset.


Cap Rate = NOI/Current market value (sales price) of an asset.

Capitalization rate is an important factor in the real estate industry because it shows the potential rate of return that can be earned on the real estate investment, which is the reason why it is the most commonly used baseline for comparing different investment properties.

When an investor is analyzing an investment, the cap rate is a vital metric because it provides an insight into the future- these predictions, however, can fluctuate depending upon the economic cycle, changes in the NOI, property value, etc. Cap rates are generally a reflection of other larger macro-economic factors.


1. Interest Rates - Interest rate hikes as a result of inflation impact the commercial real estate cap rates because cap rates increase along with the interest rates. Lately, the relationship between interest rates and cap rates hasn’t followed a 1:1 trend, cap rates had remained stubborn against the changes in the interest rates, especially for multifamily and industrial properties. But it has been changing due to decelerating price growth and continued interest rate increases which has been putting an upward pressure on the cap rates.


2. Rent Growth - Rent grows at an accelerating rate during periods of higher inflation, especially in apartments with short-term leases. The expectation of increasing rents and greater NOI offsets higher interest rates. On the other hand, the deteriorating economic conditions can put upward pressure on cap rates and slow down the rent growth.


3. GDP and Unemployment - The soundness of the economy is reflected in its GDP and unemployment. Cap rates often tend to be lower when the GDP is high and unemployment is low. However, there is a greater risk associated with investment properties when the GDP is low and unemployment is high. However, cap rate is a forward looking estimate, and the deals are affected not only by the prevailing economic conditions but also by building’s unique features and investor’s viewpoint.


4. Asset Class - Different asset classes exhibit different cap rates. Multifamily and industrial buildings tend to have the lowest cap rates. Several economic measurements also vary in importance across various asset classes. For example- personal income is a major factor for multifamily and retail properties.


5. Location - Location always plays a major role in analyzing the real estate investments, hence the metrics are also affected by it. Higher demands and stable locations usually have a lower cap rate. Due to higher employment volatility, outlying neighborhoods have a higher cap rate. This leads to higher tenant turnover and leasing costs.


6. Cap rate compression - When cap rates are pushed lower because of geographical, economic and market factors, it is known as cap rate compression. It indicates rising prices in the market and potentially a perception of lower risk for that asset class.


7. Reversion/Exit Cap Rate - This is the expected cap rate at the time of sale, which helps with financial projections and analysis when buying a property.
